When a condition causes irritation in the small or large intestine, regulated bowel movements (peristalsis) increase in speed. The body is, in effect, attempting to expel the irritant, toxin, or some form of excess. Contents of the intestines moving at a faster rate doesn’t allow for normal removal of fluid, resulting in diarrhea.
A mild case of diarrhea in an animal that is otherwise well, will usually run it’s course and rectify itself. Treatment of persistent diarrhea (Enteritis) should always begin with an examination and diagnosis by your Veterinarian. Knowing the cause of any condition is crucial before we administer home remedies for pets.
See your Veterinarian immediately if:
- The diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting or lasts more than 24-36 hours – This can cause serious dehydration and electrolyte loss.
- There is blood or a black tar appearance in the stool.
- Your pet appears to be in pain.
- Fever
- Weakness
- The pet is not fully grown or very small – Small pets, puppies or kittens can dehydrate rapidly.
- You have a pregnant or lactating female.
Diarrhea in dogs or cats can be caused by:
- Dietary changes or improper diet
- Food intolerance or allergy
- Eating spoiled food
- Physical irritation such as an object or bone stuck in the digestive tract.
- Internal parasites (especially in puppies or kittens)
- Poisoning
- Parvovirus, Distemper, or other viral disease
- Bacteria
- Osmotic – Fluid is drawn into the bowel due to high sugar levels.
- Medication such as antibiotics
- Bacterial imbalance
- Enzyme deficiency
- Constipation – the body overcompensates to expel fecal obstructions.
Natural Treatment of Dog or Cat Diarrhea
Fasting – Unless the pet is diabetic, many holistic veterinarians suggest stopping solid food for 24 hours to give the digestive tract a rest and allow it to heal. Water should be provided during the fasting period. You can offer broth with a dash of sea salt to boost electrolytes. This can be followed by a bland diet of boneless, skinless chicken for cats. Dogs may have chicken or ground beef and rice with a little oat bran.
Calcium Montmorillonite Clay – The fastest and most effective remedy we’ve ever tried in both pets and humans, is a small dose of Calcium Montmorillonite Clay. In the wild, virtually every group of animals instinctively seeks out natural cures and digestive aids that aren’t typically available in captivity (which is why pets sometimes eat dirt). One of these instinctively utilized wonders is Calcium Montmorillonite and similar smectite (bentonite) clays. It can address the cause as well as the symptoms in some cases, including loose stools due to antibiotic resistant bacterial pathogens or internal parasites. Clay also performs the basic function of absorbing access moisture through its colloidal properties. It also rids the body of a wide range of toxins, including mycotoxins and radiation. 1/2 tsp can be stirred into water or mixed with a little yogurt up to three times/day if necessary. If your pet is on medication, do not give them Calcium Montmorillonite Clay less than two hours before or after the medication.
Slippery Elm, Plantain and Marshmallow Root – Slippery Elm and Plantain offer tannin constituents to reduce fluids, along with mucilage to soothe and protect. They can be used alone, or you can add a dash of Marshmallow Root for it’s soothing, mucilaginous benefits. Dr. Roger DeHaan recommends 1 teaspoon of Slippery Elm Powder for each of 25 pounds of body weight, mixed in warm water or chicken broth with regular feeding. Use the same dosage if you mix the three herbs. These herbal powders may also be mixed with Calcium Montmorillonite Clay.
Pectin – The gel-forming properties in natural pectin (a form of fiber) effectively binds loose stools. Dr. Nancy Scanlan recommends it be mixed into food and left for a few minutes to absorb moisture. Her dosage recommendation is 1/8 teaspoon for small dogs, 1/4 teaspoon for large dogs and 1/2 teaspoon for giant breeds. For mild cases, you can feed pure, unsweetened applesauce for its pectin content.
Pure, Unseasoned Pumpkin – 1/2 to 1 teaspoon soothes the digestive system and the fiber absorbs water.
Seaweed – Seaweed helps to balance electrolytes and offers prebiotic properties to facilitate reestablishment of gut microflora. The fiber in seaweed absorbs excess fluid in the digestive tract. Seaweed also boasts anti-microbial and anti-parasite properties, and helps to remove toxins. Since it is low in carbohydrates, a small amount of seaweed is a suitable fiber and supplement for cats.
Probiotics – A probiotic supplement and/or some plain, active yogurt to repopulate gut microflora. We recommend a probiotic supplement instead of yogurt with Diarrhea because dairy products like yogurt may make it worse. Supplements may include lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium. Probiotics are especially important if the pet has been put on antibiotics.
Manufactured Natural Diarrhea Treatments and Preventatives: Natural products that utilize some of the suggested diarrhea treatments mentioned here include BM Tone-Up for cats and BM Tone-Up for dogs.
Kaopectate – Utilizes a mineral from clay (attapulgite) to bind and absorb bacteria and toxins, along with pectin fiber.
Digestive Enzymes – Basic enzymes include lipas, protease, amylase and cellulase. Mandatory for digestion and uptake of nutrients and efficient elimination of toxins. Deficiencies can be caused by cooked or heavily processed diets. Supplements are also beneficial when changing the diet. Holistic veterinarians often recommend an all-in-one natural supplement that includes enzymes, such as Spark.
Acupressure – Some holistic Veterinarians also utilize acupressure to relieve diarrhea. Stimulate the following pressure points for about 30 seconds, once per day:
– ST 25: Just under the last rib.
– SP 4: Inside of back foot, just under the ankle.
– SP 36: Inside hind leg in the indent just under the knee.
– L 14: Web skin between the first toe and the dewclaw.
– L 111: Front leg outside elbow creases.
Homeopathy – Nosodes, a homeopathic ‘remedy’ prepared from infectious organisms, are often recommended as a natural vaccine for infectious organisms such as distemper or staphylococcus bacteria. Many homeopathic remedies could be used to treat your dog or cat depending on the symptoms present and what’s causing them, but may include Pulsitilla 30c, Arsenicum album 30c, or Mercurius corrsivus 30c.
Rest – Perhaps most importantly, provide a peaceful, calm environment for your cat or dog to rest in. Diarrhea zaps their energy and taxes their immune system, just like it does in humans. Additional stress may worsen their condition or leave them open to secondary infections.
Caution: Wash your hands thoroughly each time you handle your pet while he is ill. Some of the issues associated with diarrhea are transmittable to humans.
Shelley E. Haydel, Christine M. Remenih, Lynda B. Williams. Broad-spectrum in vitro antibacterial activities of clay minerals against antibiotic-susceptible and antibiotic resistant bacterial pathogens. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (2008) 61, 353–361. December 2007.
Kevin A. Hahn, DVM, PhD, ACVIM. Robert H. Carpenter, DVM, MS. Calcium Aluminosilicate (CAS) in the Treatment of Intractable Diarrhea in Dogs with Cancer.
Knishinsky, Ran The Clay Cure : Natural Healing from the Earth
Zidonis, Nancy Acu-Dog: A Guide to Canine Acupressure. 2011.
Harris, Viv BVSc Natural Remedies Dogs and Cats Wish You Knew: A Holistic Care Guide. 2008.
Messonnier, Shawn DVM. Natural Health Bible for Dogs & Cats: Your A-Z Guide to Over 200 Conditions, Herbs, Vitamins, and Supplements. 2001.
Tilford, Gregory. Wulff, Mary Herbs for Pets: The Natural Way to Enhance Your Pet’s Life. 2009.
Winter, William G. DVM The Holistic Veterinary Handbook. 1997.
Zucker, Martin. Veterinarians Guide to Natural Remedies for Dogs : Safe and Effective Alternative Treatments and Healing Techniques from the Nations Top Holistic Veterinarians. 2000.
Little, Susan, DVM DABVP (Feline).The Cat: Clinical Medicine and Management
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Well I can’t say he likes it but it does work 😀
Our puppy had chronic diarrhea but he hasn’t had it since being full grown. I’m going to keep this recipe anyway because it’s so miserable for dogs and their mommy.
Sounds like a great remedy….thanks!
Our dog had frequent bouts of diarrhea until we switched his food to a brand with natural preservatives. I guess he was allergic but whatever the problem was changing food worked. He seems to tolerate everything else OK so I can only assume. I was so happy when it stopped!
We almost lost our dog to enteritis when she was a puppy, the warnings are true. Adult dogs can get diarrhea sometimes and it’s no big deal but you have to be careful with puppies and go to a vet.
Make sure they drink tons of water so they don’t get dehydrated from diarrhea! It helps fiber and clay to work better too.
OK OK everyone, you made a believer out of me. The calcium clay arrived and it worked immediately. Now if you all could help me figure out why she has diarrhea all the time it would sure help too. We have changed her food a few times and sometimes it helps for awhile but then we’re back in enteritis-land again. The vet has done tests but says she seems to be healthy???
My cat was getting the runs all the time until I started feeding her real meat. I felt sorry for her suffering but the pet food companies didn’t… not even ONE replied to my emails!
I have tried switching food but my dog keeps getting diarrhea. My vet then called it enteritis like it was some big diagnosis when he was only using a fancy word for diarrhea! Needless to say, we’re seeing a new vet about it on Friday.
You do NOT want to know about the diarrhea mess I woke up to this morning!!! The worst part is I don’t know which of 3 dogs has the problem. God help me if it’s all 3. Thanks so very much for the help.
I’m another clay fan! It’s fast and it helps draw out whatever is making her sick. I used to use pumpkin and that helped some. I haven’t tried seaweed so I’ll grab some the next time I order.
I had the opportunity to use the calcium montmorillonite clay today and it worked like a charm on my pup with just one serving! I can’t thank you enough!
Excellent Thanks!
My cat had diarrhea constantly until I changed her food to Halo. She hasn’t had it since.
I’m also a raw food fan and haven’t seen diarrhea since changing their diet!
TYVM for this information about diarrhea!!! I’ve seen some of the suggestions in my natural pet care books too. My dog only had it once when we changed his diet and that was quite enough for me!!!
I agree, dog and cat diarrhea is the WORST to deal with and the wife says its my job because she did diapers rofl
Came home to a dog with diarrhea today……….sounds like a great weekend coming up for me!
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and make suggestions!
It’s nice to have a plan of action for the next time one of my pets get diarrhea. I don’t want to be googling while they mess all over the house.
Diarrhea is the most horrible thing for dogs and cats for sure. It always scares me and of course there’s the mess. I usually give them Pedialyte for electrolytes.
Absolutely a keeper, thanks.
Thanks for sharing this information!!
Diarrhea is the worst disease…it just dehydrate the body.
The biggest problem is pets can speak & express their pain..poor pets 🙁
Great article! I loved the knowledge and the information given . Also, your blogging style is very fun to read.
Great article! Diarrhea is such a horrible thing to deal with and scary too.
One thing I can say for certain is that Natural Remedies for Diarrhea (Enteritis) In Dogs and Cats has covered all the bases.
Nobody likes totalk about diarrhea but I’m glad somebody did! I’ve used the clay before and it works for me but i hadn’t though of trying it on my german shepherd.
My dog has diarrhea right now and he looks so miserable. Cleaning it up hasn’t been pleasant either. Thanks for the suggestions, you had more than my veterinarian. You’re not going to bill me are you? lol
I hope you’ll write some more about it sooooon. Thx a lot!