We don’t want to brag, but we’re pretty sure we have the most caring friends on the social internet! Your kindness and concern is reflected on our blog and in social media – we’re both proud and blessed to know you.

Utilizing All Natural Pet Care to the fullest extent to help animals on a regular basis is very important to us. There are many blogs that do a fantastic job of covering abuse stories and featuring specific homeless pets, so we’re going to do things a little differently with our series. It might be tips, interviews, resources, stories inspired by current events, inspiration, motivation, graphics, or filling any gaps in animal welfare that you alert us to. Whatever it is, we want it to be positive, upbeat and empowering.

To kick it all off, we’re including information from past posts so it’s easily found by anyone reading back through the Welfare Weekend series.

Care Packages

Keep in mind that animal shelters may take in pets of all kinds, including hamsters, birds, reptiles, rabbits and ferrets, so supplies for all species are often appreciated. Some items, such as dog food, may be provided on an ongoing basis by sponsors.  Before packing a shelter care package, we suggest you contact your local shelter to find out what they require.

Following is a list of items that animal shelters frequently need:

Crates & cages
Cat & dog beds
Old towels, blankets or throw rugs
Disposable bedding for all species, including straw, timothy & rodent/reptile bedding
Heating pads
Healthy food & treats for all species of pets
Kitten milk replacement
Stainless steel bowls
Grooming supplies
Leashes, harnesses & collarsAnimal Shelter - Feral Cats
Cat litter
Syringes, gauze & other medical supplies
Cotton balls & swabs
Toys that are easily sterilized
Dog sweaters
Garbage bags & grocery bags
Buckets & pails
Brooms & mops
Disinfectant wipes
Laundry detergent
Hand sanitizer
Latex gloves
Spray bottles
Printer paper, envelopes, stamps & other office supplies
Gift cards to department stores, pet stores & gas stations

Hand-crafted donations are usually welcome at shelters and they make great scrap projects. We have a nice collection of Free Knit, Crochet and Sewing Patterns for Animal Shelters to get you started.

Other Ways to Help

  • Your time is a gift that is coveted by animal charities. Please help them out with general volunteer activities or donate your special skills, such as carpentry or graphics design.
  • Create awareness with blog posts and through social media sharing. Follow animal charities’ social media pages, like the animal rescues listed in our Animal Rescues on Pinterest post.
  • Give thoughtful, unique gifts when you shop these 45 Animal Charities with Gift Shopping
  • Search for adoptable animals in your area!

??? We’re looking forward to hearing your suggestions. Thanks for caring!

9 thoughts on “Welfare Weekend: Our New Series Covering Animal Welfare

  1. Bloggers do such a great job at spreading the word about causes. Good luck wih the new series.

  2. I love helping animals but I have to admit that the depressing articles get to be a little too much to handle on a regular basis. It will be wonderful to read about the positive aspect of animal charity.

  3. I found this to be a very helpful idea for a Care Package for animal shelters. I’m trying to send some care packages to Japan to help a few people. One is my hero, “Naoto Matsumura, Guardian of Fukushima’s Animals” who I’ve also set up a Facebook page for…Mr. Matsumura has been spending over a year in Tomioka, inside the exclusion zone and while I’m sure he’s taking very good care of the animals, I’m not so sure he’s taking great care of himself.

    He spends 6-7 or possibly even more hours each day feeing and caring for dogs, cats, puppies, kittens, big cows, baby cows (one of who didn’t make it the other day), ostriches and pigs. He sees death all around him and I know he must get lonely but, he never complains. As someone who struggles with depression, he has given me a new lease on life. I just want to make his life better both for him and for all of the animals he cares for. It’s not often you find people who can inspire you like this. So, if Mr. Matsumura inspires you, come check out our Facebook page and Chip In Account and help us come up with some ideas for a few really nice Care packages. His sweet dog, Aki, had 11 puppies and I guess they shredded his PJ’s so, if I can figure out his size, PJ’s might be a good gift as well as lots of treats for the animals and for Mr. Matsumura as well. thanks so much! I’m enjoying your blog 🙂 xxx Nancy


  4. This is going to be refreshing, your charity posts are always proactive and positive.

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