Here’s a fun thing for your family to do in celebration and support of your country’s athletes competing in the 2012 London Summer Olympics.

Load up a bag of items in your country’s colors and donate it to your favorite animal charity! It’s a lot of fun trying to find products that have the right colors, flag, or national symbol, and it can suit any budget. Kids learn about charity, sports and your country’s symbols while they search the store for items shelters need.
Donation Suggestions
Shopping tote
Dishcloth & dish towel
Cleaning products
Sturdy, washable toys
Printer paper
To make it even more challenging, try to find products made in your country too.
Do you have any suggestions for olympic donation goody bags for animal shelters? Please add them in the comments below.
We’d like to take this opportunity to wish all athletes from all countries a safe, fun and successful Olympics 2012!
█ ♥ █ GO CANADA! █ ♥ █
Paw wave to those visiting from the Blogville Olympics blog hop!
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The SPCA got a great kick out of this!
You don’t need cute themes to make a donation if you want to.
We started our bag of goodies yesterday, thanks for the idea.
That’s a FABULOUS idea! I can’t wait to get started…….the kids & I will do it next week.