Seaweed natural electroylytes for horsesSome of the best advice doesn’t come from books and wisdom comes from experience. We asked the wise Mr. Chan (84 years young!) if we could publish his tip about using seaweed to balance and restore electrolytes for horses. He graciously agreed.

Dear folks at Natural Pet Care:

My seaweed order arrived in perfect shape and the wife is in the kitchen whipping up some chews for our horses.

I bet you didn’t know that back in the old days of hastings track the trainers would feed horses seaweed? I worked as a barn rat when I was a boy and have barely missed a week of visiting the track since. I saw trainers and hands feed the horses seaweed before and after a race and finally worked up the nerve to ask what they were doing. A trainer told me seaweed gave the horses electrolyte minerals and a bunch of vitamins that helped them recover and increased their stamina. He told me the names of the vitamins and minerals but I forget what.

Well back then they gathered their own seaweed along the British Columbia seashore but my days of walking in sand is long gone so I get it from you.

I just want to let you know that this whole seaweed thing isn’t your idea ha ha ha.

Yours with a grin

Alex Chan

We know it wasn’t our idea, Alex, and I think you know we know ;-).  Your wife making ‘Chews’ has me intrigued, I hope she finds time to share the recipe.  Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom with us and our readers!

While we’re waiting for that ‘Chews’ recipe, we do have a horse treat recipe that calls for seaweed, Apple and Alfalfa Muffins.

✔ You may also be interested in reading:
Horse Treat Recipe: Mrs. Chan’s Healthy Horse Chews
Horse Treat Recipe – Apple & Sweet Potato Muffins with Minerals
Double the Power of Seaweed by Mixing Species (Infographic)


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9 thoughts on “Reader Tip: Seaweed is an Old Race Horse Trick ©

  1. My father used to bring home seaweed for the horses and other animals every time he traveled to a seashore town to sell produce. He’d even trade produce for it in small fishing towns. I remember him coming home with a huge bag of dulse for himself and feedbags of different kinds of dry seaweed for the barn. He’d mix it into feed for horses, cattle and even chickens.

  2. The next time I go to the track I’m going to ask the trainers if they feed their horses seaweed before I bet on them. SERIOUSLY!!!

  3. I’m going to see if our horse will eat it. He’s not a working horse but I want him to have everything he needs and I do worry in the winter.

  4. I add sea weed to bran mash in the wintertime because I think hay can lose it’s minerals when it’s been stored for awhile.

  5. Seaweed starts a pasture cycle from the minerals in the manure. Pasture soil can lose it’s minerals so if you give the livestock seaweed it helps them and some passes through in the manure. That fertilizes the soil and produces grass with more minerals. Grazing animals get their minerals from plants so it’s important to feed them quality grass and hay.

  6. We’ve used seaweed as a feed supplement on our farms for as long as I can remember (I’m an 8th generation farmer). It’s not just for horses either, it’s good for cows and any pregnant animal.

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