Black cat superstitions are thought to have originated with their association with witches, which folklore promotes as able to take the form of black cats and other domesticated animals. Our goal is to debunk black cat superstitions through education and shareable free graphics like the one below.
A black cat crossing one’s path is supposed to bring bad luck in some cultures, but it’s also considered to be good luck by others. In some places, black cats can mean good or bad luck depending on the situation. A dream is good, on your bed is bad… it all depends on where you are and whom you ask. The Egyptians revered all cats. Smart people, those Egyptians.
Of course, it’s all nonsense and black cats are just cats with black fur. If you want to dwell on their color (or lack thereof), black is a classy shade that goes with everything on any occasion. Therefore, everyone should have at least one black cat, yes? 😉
We’re spreading awareness about black cats in October in the hopes of keeping them safe. Below is our latest digi-poster for you to share on your website or in social media. Thank you for caring and sharing!
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I am sharing this on our page and hopefully it’s ok to use the poster as our profile picture for halloween.
this is great to see… love this site
You are free to use the poster where you wish. 🙂 Thanks for your kind words & kind heart!
It’s one thing to have an irrational fear but to hurt cats for being black is insane!!
Great idea for a series for those poor black kitty cats.
Your designs are always a pleasure to share and I like to help save animals.