While it isn’t a new idea, many pet parents have only recently discovered the wonders of natural seaweed supplements for dogs, cats, birds, fish, horses and other farm animals.  Farmers have been feeding seaweed to their animals practically since early domestication.  Wild animals in coastal habitats have been eating seaweed since the beginning of time.

With 93 identified nutrients, even synthetic supplements can’t come close to the variety, amount, and bio-availability that seaweed offers.  However, most people have limited their supplementation to Kelp and/or Spirulina in the belief that seaweed is seaweed, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.  We consume and feed our pets a premix of balanced powdered seaweed because each species offers it’s own variety of nutritional and natural healing benefits.

Individual seaweed species can be higher in protein or specific nutrients. For example, all seaweeds contain chlorophyll, but there are different types of chlorophyll.   Green seaweed species contain chlorophyll A and B, red seaweed species contain chlorophyll A, and brown seaweed species contain chlorophyll A and C.  Color is only the beginning of these variations, however, as nutrient content and levels vary amongst species as well.

Some seaweed species pack a more powerful punch for healing specific ailments than others too, for example:

  • Red Seaweeds have demonstrated exceptional anti-parasite properties in scientific studies.
  • Chondrus crispus is used to build immunity and prevent viral diseases, including the treatment of TB in humans.
  • The large brown seaweeds known as “Kelp” are rich sources of alginic acids, which remove heavy metals and radioactive isotopes from the body.  Polysaccharides in red seaweeds also offer detoxification.

An example of the unique benefits found in each seaweed species or variety was recently demonstrated in a Georgia Institute of Technology study.

“Though all the seaweed they studied was from a single species, the researchers were surprised to find two distinct groups of antifungal chemicals. From one seaweed subpopulation, dubbed the “bushy” type for its appearance, 23 different antifungal compounds were identified. In a second group of seaweed, the researchers found 10 different antifungal compounds — all different from the ones seen in the first group.”

And we still don’t know the half of it!  Therefore, to receive maximum benefits, we cover all our bases with a good premix of several species of green, red and brown seaweed/algae.  Unfortunately, the number of species available within each group is limited, but they certainly don’t lack variety in the wild.

Green Seaweed – May include Sea Lettuce, Spongeweed, Ulva, etc. There are approximately 4,500 wild green seaweed/algae species.
Red Seaweed – Dulse, Nori, Laver, Irish Moss, Carrageen, etc.  There are approximately 6,500 species of wild red seaweed/algae.
Brown Seaweed – Kelp, Wrack, Bladderwrack, Wakame, Kombu, Fucus, etc. There are approximately 1800 wild brown seaweed/algae species.

[DISCLOSURE: We may receive compensation for links to products on this website.]

You can create your own powerful blend using more common species of seaweed, such as 1 part Kelp, 1 part Dulse, 1 part Irish Moss and 1 part Spirulina.

Following is an infographic we designed to illustrate the many nutritional benefits of spectacular seaweed/algae.  It’s perfect for saving as a quick-reference guide or for sharing on social media.

Nutritional Benefits of Seaweed Infographic

??? Does any of the information surprise you?  Do you feed seaweed/algae to your pets? Please share your experiences in the comments below.

Warding Off Disease on Coral Reefs: Antifungal Chemical Cues in Tropical Seaweed, Georgia Institute of Technology
Cooksley, Valerie G. RN. Seaweed: Nature’s Secret to Balancing Your Metabolism, Fighting Disease, and Revitalizing Body and Soul. 2007.
Chapman, V. J. Seaweeds and their uses. 1980.
The Seaweed Site.  Accessed 02/2013.


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DISCLOSURE: We may receive compensation for links to products on this website. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

DISCLAIMER: Statements on this website may not have been evaluated by the FDA, Health Canada nor any other government regulator. The information and products provided by AllNaturalPetCare.com are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, nor prevent any disease and are intended for educational purposes only. READ MORE…

14 thoughts on “Double the Power of Seaweed by Mixing Types (Infographic)

  1. I’ve been using kelp for our dogs & borders but I’m ordering your mix to make treats. Anything I can do to keep them with me longer is wonderful and my clients love our homemade treats with your clay & krill. Thanks!

  2. I’ve only used spirulina so far but I’m willing to try others. Believe it or not my cat LOVES spirulina. If I dip a finger in the bag she’ll lick it off straight!

  3. I mix whatever seaweed I can find. I read an article several years ago that mentioned the color factor and I’ve tried to do it ever since.

  4. Great post and infographic! Seaweed is AMAZINGLY good for you and I feed it to my fish too. I haven’t tried to get my cat to eat it but it’s wortha shot.

  5. Nice job on the graphic, it’s eyecatching and easy to read. I’ve spent every summer by the sea since I was a child and seaweed was part of the experience. We support the small coast towns by shopping there.

  6. I’ve been feeding your powdered mix for a year and can honestly say our dogs have never looked more healthy. We are responsible breeders and work the show circuit with health and vitality as our focus. The rest comes naturally like a shiney coat & bright eyes. They’re fed a raw diet so supplements are especially important.

  7. We lived on the atlantic coast for many years and seaweed is a way of life there. Animals eat it on the beach all the time and we couldn’t keep the dogs out of it. They lived long & healthy lives and now I know why. I’m going to bring seaweed back into our diet thanks to you.

  8. Love this info graphic! We eat dulse & kelp about once a week or so and give it to our pets occasionally.

  9. I often wondered about the differences because other plants have all different nutition and benefits. Thanks for clearing that up.

  10. We give spiralina and kelp to our pets but yeah, I had no clue about the differences in species and colors. 😮

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