Systematic infection of Feline Corona Virus is the actual cause of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). Some attribute it to suppression of the immune system (such as vaccines), which facilitates infection from a previously dormant virus. It’s most common in kittens (less than one year old). There is no natural remedy or cure, but you can use natural treatments to improve the cat’s symptoms in some cases, as well as to prevent viral infections and avoid it entirely.
Feline Infectious Peritonities presents itself in two forms, wet or dry, which some experts argue should be classed as two separate diseases.
- The “wet form” is the type that most often attacks young cats. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing as fluid leaking from blood vessels gets into the chest (hydrothorax or pleural effusion), or a bloated belly as the fluids fill the abdominal cavity (ascites). The prognosis is not good with the “wet form” of FIP.
- The “dry form” results in abscesses (pyogranulomas) on the cat’s organs. It’s somewhat difficult to diagnose because the symptoms vary according to which organ is plagued with abscesses, possibly causing blindness, paralysis, seizures, etc. The prognosis with the “dry form” of FIP can actually be quite positive.
Natural Treatment of Feline Infectious Peritonitis
The diet should be as natural as possible, enhanced with natural cat supplements that provide beneficial nutrients, healing properties, immune support, and specific organ function. It will be necessary for you to match the treatment with the symptom, such as upper respiratory infections or stomach upset.
Note of Caution: Cats can be highly sensitive to herbs and extracts and they may interfere with prescription drugs or worsen symptoms of preexisting health conditions. Always consult with your veterinarian before administering herbal treatments. Use whole, dried herbs to make a diluted “tea” – extracts or essential oils are too potent for cats. It’s also very important that you find a trusted source of fresh (or properly dried) herbs for full effectiveness. We rely on Starwest Botanicals for most of our bulk herbs.
Glyconutritional supplements
Antioxidants – A fantastic protein source of antioxidants (suitable for obligate carnivores like cats) is whole, freeze-dried Krill.
Aloe Vera “Juice”
Calcium Montmorillonite Clay – Antiviral properties, plus it treats both nausea and diarrhea associated with the “wet form” of FIP.
Coconut Oil (Virgin)
Dandelion leaf and root
Brewed Green Tea (not extract)
Maitake Mushrooms
Milk Thistle
Oregon Grape
Reishi Mushrooms
St. John’s Wort
Shiitake Mushrooms
Yellow Dock
Homeopathic Mercurius sulphuricus 6C can be used with serious breathing problems due to chest fluid.
Homeopathic Apis mellifica 6C is also for serious breathing problems, but accompanied by the cat preferring cool places and vocalizing their pain while awake or asleep.
Personally, I have better luck with drops for cats if I can get them. Veterinarians often recommend a multi-prong approach to restoring immune function with systems such as the VS Advanced Immune Restoration Program for Cats.
Have you ever known a cat with Feline Infectious Peritonitis? Please share your experience in the comments below.
Messonnier, Shawn DVM. Natural Health Bible for Dogs & Cats: Your A-Z Guide to Over 200 Conditions, Herbs, Vitamins, and Supplements. 2001.
Pitcairn, Richard H. Dr. Pitcairn’s New Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats. 2012.
Tilford, Gregory. Wulff, Mary. Herbs for Pets: The Natural Way to Enhance Your Pet’s Life. 2009.
Knishinsky, Ran The Clay Cure : Natural Healing from the Earth
Cooksley, Valerie G. RN. Seaweed: Nature’s Secret to Balancing Your Metabolism, Fighting Disease, and Revitalizing Body and Soul. 2007.
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Natural Flu Prevention for Pets
Are Edible Mushrooms Good for Dogs, Cats, Horses and other Pets?
Natural Remedies for Diarrhea (Enteritis) In Dogs and Cats
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Thanks for sharing this great post with information about how to treat FIP. Like Tyler, I also did not know there were 2 kinds of this disease.
Hi melody thanks for this great piece of information about feline infection. Is herbs the only solution to this, my cat is extremely sensitive to herb, i would appreciate more recommendations. Also if a cat is having recurring stomach upset, can this be connected to feline infection. Thanks am really looking forward to your reply.
I recommend seeing a vet for further information. Good luck & thanks for reading!
Nicely covered & great tips. I’ve seen it in kittens when I worked at a pet sitters house and its nasty. I didn’t know there was 2 kinds tho. Good to know!
I have taken in many strays and rehomed them. Three had FIP and as hard as I tried, they had to be put to sleep. When they stop eating and drinking there is nothing you can do. I forced water in a dropper and took all to the Vet. It is a terrible slow death, hoping for a cure.