15 Pet Care Books to Add to Your Bookshelf in 2021

Never has society been so aware of animal welfare, and never have pet parents loved their companions more. A collective desire to learn more about the animals in our care has driven a demand for high-quality, heavily-researched books. Publishers have sought out experts and scientific studies to build books that provide complete, accurate information presented […]

Holistic Ways to Keep Dachshunds in Shape

By Nicole Etolen Obesity can cause problems for any dog breed, but it’s particularly problematic for the dachshund. The iconic breed is well-known and beloved for its long body and short legs. Unfortunately, that same trademark frame can lead to painful- and potentially fatal- problems when it carries around too much excess weight. Take a […]

How to Choose the Best Type of Blanket for Your Horse (Infographic)

Horse blankets have come a long way! There’s a wide range of choices and they’re all designed for specific situations. Selecting the right one for your horse can be a challenge without some guidance, which we’ve provided for you here. It’s all illustrated in the infographic below. How to Choose the Best Blanket for Your […]

Experts Weigh in on Coconut Oil for Dogs (With Infographic)

Scientific studies are often lacking for natural supplements, leaving us with anecdotal evidence and little else. The health benefits of coconut Oil, however, have been studied quite extensively. We understand that proof at the scientific level is important to pet parents, as they try to navigate the natural health minefield. To that end, we searched […]

Oyster Shell for Birds or Aquariums

Oyster shell is primarily calcium carbonate. It’s often crushed for use in bird food & chicken feed as calcium-rich grit. It aids digestion and contributes to egg health. Crushed oyster shell is also used in aquariums to stabilize and increase pH. This environmentally friendly, natural solution puts to good use what would otherwise be a […]