Indian Almond Leaves (T. catappa) for Aquariums

Indian Almond Leaves (also known as Catappa or Ketapang leaves) have been used for both therapeutic and medicinal purposes in the aquarium hobby for many years. They are said to simulate the natural environment for fish such as Bettas, Killies, Discus, Arowana, Tetras, Appistogramma, Dwarf Cichlids, Rasbora, Corydoras and other Catfish, and Shrimp. They also […]

Oyster Shell for Birds or Aquariums

Oyster shell is primarily calcium carbonate. It’s often crushed for use in bird food & chicken feed as calcium-rich grit. It aids digestion and contributes to egg health. Crushed oyster shell is also used in aquariums to stabilize and increase pH. This environmentally friendly, natural solution puts to good use what would otherwise be a […]

A DIY Guide to Formulating Homemade Fish Food

The first argument we hear against making our own fish food is surely perpetuated by the pet food industry – what if we don’t provide everything the fish requires? Considering most commercial food has the naturally-sourced vitamins heat processed out of them and flakes lose crucial vitamin supplements within 30 seconds of hitting the water […]

The Benefits of Krill for Pets (Infographic) ©

Krill is available in several forms for our pets, including frozen, various grades of meal, whole freeze-dried, flaked/ground freeze-dried and oil extracts. These can be used as ingredients in homemade pet food and treats recipes, or mixed with commercial food as a supplement. It is most commonly used as a natural pet supplement for dogs, […]

Natural Fish Foods and Supplements for Fancy Fins ©

The fancy fins of domestic fish strains get more elaborate all the time.  Bettas, Guppies (and other fancy Livebearers like Hifin & Sailfin Swordtails, Hifin Platies and Sailfin Mollies), fancy Goldfish, Hifin Corydoras, Long-fin Cichlids, Long-fin Plecos, and more fancy fin fish strains can all benefit from extra nutrition focused on fin development and support. […]