15 Pet Care Books to Add to Your Bookshelf in 2021

Never has society been so aware of animal welfare, and never have pet parents loved their companions more. A collective desire to learn more about the animals in our care has driven a demand for high-quality, heavily-researched books. Publishers have sought out experts and scientific studies to build books that provide complete, accurate information presented […]

Natural Remedies for Hairballs (Trichobezoars / Bezoars) in Cats

Hairballs (Trichobezoars) are a problem for many cats, especially if they have long hair. We expected to see some hairballs when we adopted our Maine Coon, Athena. The breed has fur that gradually lengthens from the top to the bottom of their body. They even have tufts of fur between the pads of their feet […]

Top 5 Sources of Antioxidants for Cats & Other Carnivores (Infographic)

Antioxidants have proven to be effective for both prevention and treatment of many feline diseases, including those involving the eyes, skin, cardiovascular system, and respiratory system. Diseases like cancer, diabetes,  immune disorders and allergies have also been prevented and treated naturally using antioxidants for cats. Additionally, the cells are nurtured with antioxidants, protecting them from […]

Natural Treatment for Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

Systematic infection of Feline Corona Virus is the actual cause of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). Some attribute it to suppression of the immune system (such as vaccines), which facilitates infection from a previously dormant virus. It’s most common in kittens (less than one year old). There is no natural remedy or cure, but you can […]

The Natural Care of African Serval Cats

This post was inspired by Samson, a domestically-bred African Serval that was killed by a truck after roaming freely on Vancouver Island, Canada. While I don’t know the circumstances behind his escape, it is apparent that some education of pet parents about exotic cats is in order. For starters, they must be harnessed or in […]