A DIY Guide to Formulating Homemade Fish Food

The first argument we hear against making our own fish food is surely perpetuated by the pet food industry – what if we don’t provide everything the fish requires? Considering most commercial food has the naturally-sourced vitamins heat processed out of them and flakes lose crucial vitamin supplements within 30 seconds of hitting the water […]

Natural Fish Foods and Supplements for Fancy Fins ©

The fancy fins of domestic fish strains get more elaborate all the time.  Bettas, Guppies (and other fancy Livebearers like Hifin & Sailfin Swordtails, Hifin Platies and Sailfin Mollies), fancy Goldfish, Hifin Corydoras, Long-fin Cichlids, Long-fin Plecos, and more fancy fin fish strains can all benefit from extra nutrition focused on fin development and support. […]

Top 15 Natural Foods and Herbs for Breeding Fish ©

Breeding fish can be a rewarding (and sometimes lucrative) hobby for aquarium enthusiasts. Some fish seem born to breed, like many popular Livebearers (Guppies, Mollies, Platies and Swordtails). Others demand certain conditions and specific dietary considerations. Still others won’t breed in captivity at all. Further complicating matters is the vast number of fish species available […]

Is Your Pet’s Seaweed Radioactive? ©

Seaweed is packed with a wide range of nutrients and countless benefits that extend to virtually all species, including dogs, cats, birds, horses, fish and humans. It’s the superfood that puts other superfoods to shame. If you’re feeding it to your pets, they are very lucky to have such a learned and doting caregiver. The […]