11 Superfoods for Super Dogs!

Contributed by Years.com Pet food experts have revealed the 11 superfoods dog lovers should be feeding their four-legged friends. The dog nutrition experts at Years.com have identified the foods packed with vitamins and minerals to help dogs live a healthier life. Vegetables including sweet potato, kale and carrots are all on the list alongside grains […]

Holistic Ways to Keep Dachshunds in Shape

By Nicole Etolen Obesity can cause problems for any dog breed, but it’s particularly problematic for the dachshund. The iconic breed is well-known and beloved for its long body and short legs. Unfortunately, that same trademark frame can lead to painful- and potentially fatal- problems when it carries around too much excess weight. Take a […]

Hunting Wild Game for Your Dog or Cat (With Instant Pot Stew Recipe)

Feeding dogs and cats a raw or other homemade pet food diet, has been growing in popularity for the past decade.  What could be more natural than feeding them wild game? Their wild cousins hunt and eat wild animals, such as deer or rabbits. With a little help from you, nature can serve up a […]

Easy Ways to Feed a Raw Diet to Your Pets

Feeding raw meat to pets like cats and dogs is considered by many to be the ultimate biologically appropriate, primal diet. Unfortunately, DIY raw feeding can be messy and time consuming. Combine that with the challenge of providing a balanced diet, and many pet parents give up on raw pet food altogether.

The Best Natural Foods and Supplements to Help Your Dog Live Longer

The heartbreaking part of having a dog is their relatively short lifespan. Life expectancy for dogs has improved with diet and care standards, but the time to say goodbye still comes all too soon. Dr. Kelly M. Cassidy, a Biologist who compiles scientific data about the lifespan of dogs, has concluded that canine longevity varies […]