How to Choose the Best Type of Blanket for Your Horse (Infographic)

Horse blankets have come a long way! There’s a wide range of choices and they’re all designed for specific situations. Selecting the right one for your horse can be a challenge without some guidance, which we’ve provided for you here. It’s all illustrated in the infographic below. How to Choose the Best Blanket for Your […]

Oyster Shell for Birds or Aquariums

Oyster shell is primarily calcium carbonate. It’s often crushed for use in bird food & chicken feed as calcium-rich grit. It aids digestion and contributes to egg health. Crushed oyster shell is also used in aquariums to stabilize and increase pH. This environmentally friendly, natural solution puts to good use what would otherwise be a […]

Caring for Senior Dogs: What Helps Them Live a Longer, Happier Life?

By Veselina Dzhingarova We never like to admit it when our beloved dog is getting older. We remember them fondly as puppies and enjoy their various stages as they get older, but their later years are filled with concern. However, it is of vital importance that you acknowledge both when your dog is getting up […]