Welfare Weekend: Help Animal Shelters Through Kitten/Puppy Season

We adopted our kitten in the Spring and the selection was outrageously large.  Wall to wall cages stuffed full of kittens of every size, shape & color.  It was a joyous time for our family when a skittish, muted grey tabby stole our heart, but it was also a very sad situation to witness. Kittens […]

Animal Rescues on Pinterest ©

Pet parents are loving Pinterest!  Our love for animals motivates us to help them and we can use Pinterest for that too.  What’s more, animal rescue organizations almost invariably have fantastic content to share, from adoptable animals to great graphics that you can share to inspire change.  You can make a difference with your Pinterest […]

Corporate Giving – Iams Home for the Holidays

Most pets love holidays.  They often receive gifts and share in the feast.  They’re excited to see family and friends and happy to have their family home.  Even if they’re shy, they sense the festive spirit in the air and respond in kind. We always feel sorry for those who have no family, especially when […]

Leaving a Legacy – 2.5 Million Bequeathed to SPCA ©

Gladys Cavanagh of Victoria, BC took ‘paying it forward’ very seriously.  She has bequeathed 2.5 million dollars to the Victoria SPCA, a substantial chunk of her inheritance from a stroke victim that she befriended.  That was just her way, adopting strangers and helping animals.  She worked hard and had a level of compassion that is […]

24 Animal Charities with Gift Shopping

We have to do that holiday shopping anyway, why not help animals while we’re at it?  Many charities offer unique, beautiful and functional animal & pet themed gift ideas for anyone on your list. Doing all of our shopping through animal charities can bring the spirit back into the holidays, when otherwise we may become […]