Natural Aquariums – Wild-Type Mollies

Mollies and other Livebearers have been a staple in aquariums for many years.  They’re usually purchased in an aquarium store, catching the eye of fish-keepers with their rainbow of colors and fancy finnage.   Many fish-keepers are unaware that most of these retail Mollies are actually hybrids of several wild Molly species, selectively bred for elaborate […]

Welfare Weekend: September is Rabies Awareness Month [Infographic]

A viral disease, Rabies can infect warm-blooded species resulting in acute brain inflammation and death.  We’re coming up to World Rabies Awareness Day on September 28th and September is Rabies Awareness Month. It’s all part of an awareness campaign to reinforce the message that rabies is a preventable disease, yet kills 55,000 people needlessly each […]