Minor wounds, hot spots (Acute Moist Dermatitis), or other sores can be maddening to heal. Dogs, cats and other pets often lick the area excessively or aggravating factors such as allergies can turn it into a constant battle. A natural alternative to steroids, antibiotics and other medication is commonly sought, but finding a well-researched home remedy can be challenging.

Our readers have mentioned using Calcium Montmorillonite Clay numerous times as a successful treatment of hot spots and other wounds, especially in dogs. Science backs up these claims with Montmorillonite Clay’s proven antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-itching and wound-drying properties. It can also help treat possible causes behind hot spots or other sores internally by taming allergies, purifying, detoxifying, balancing pH, and promoting optimal function of the immune system and organs. A dash of clay in the water bowl makes internal support easy and effective. Animals of all kinds instinctively seek out healing clay in the wild for good reason.

Since so many have experienced success with a traditional clay poultice, we’ve taken it a step further by formulating an ointment that boosts the healing power and offers a broader spectrum of treatment.
Natural Remedy Recipe for Pet Sores and Hot Spots
Montmorillonite Clay Ointment with Essential Oils
© Formulated by AllNaturalPetCare.com (All Rights Reserved)

1/2 c water or steeped Green Tea
1/4 c edible-grade, certified pure calcium montmorillonite clay
5 drops Aloe Vera “juice”
1 TBSP extra virgin coconut oil

Optional: For serious infections in dogs, you may wish to include a couple of drops of Lavendar (Lavendula angustifolia), Helichrysum italicum, Ravensare aromatica, Salvia officinalis, and/or Cistus ladaniferus.

Mix well. Apply to cleaned wound daily or as required, gently spraying off old clay between applications (don’t rub). You may spread the ointment paste onto gauze for secure application, but be sure to allow airflow and change the bandage daily or when it appears wet.  Store in a dark, airtight container in a cool location.

It’s important to use certified Montmorillonite (Bentonite / Smectite) Clay and high quality essential oils from a reputable source to avoid impurities that may make the condition worse, or at the very least be ineffective. High quality essential oils are available at Starwest Botanicals.

Note of Caution: If you don’t know the cause of your pet’s sores, please visit a veterinarian for diagnosis. Do not combine natural remedies with prescribed medication without first clearing it with your veterinarian.

Dextreit, Raymond. Our Earth, Our Cure. 1993.
Abehsera, Michel. The Healing Clay. 1979.
Knishinsky, Ran. The Clay Cure : Natural Healing from the EarthThe Clay Cure : Natural Healing from the Earth Healing Arts Press. 1998.
Engel, Cindy. Wild Health: Lessons in Natural Wellness from the Animal KingdomWild Health: Lessons in Natural Wellness from the Animal Kingdom. Houghton Mifflin. 2003.
Bell, Kristen Leigh. Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals: A Comprehensive Guide to the Use of Essential Oils & Hydrosols with AnimalsHolistic Aromatherapy for Animals: A Comprehensive Guide to the Use of Essential Oils & Hydrosols for pet muscle sprains, strains and spasms. 2002.

✔ You may also be interested in reading:
Natural First Aid for Pets – External Applications of Montmorillonite Clay
Natural Pet Protection from Aflatoxin (and other Toxins) with Montmorillonite Clay
Is Tea Tree Oil Safe for Pets?


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15 thoughts on “Natural Remedy Recipe for Pet Sores and ‘Hot Spots’ ©

  1. Hi, I can’t wait to try this natural remedy. The compulsive licking when I’m trying to sleep is driving me CRAZY!!!

  2. The ointment worked for my dog. His worse hot spot was almost entirely healed in less than a week.
    he gave up trying to lick it after a couple of days which hopefully means that habit is broken too.
    Thank you.

  3. This works really well and doesn’t stick if you put a piece of gauze bandage between the ointment and the fur. The sore still gets the ointment but it’s easier to peal off.

  4. I am so loving this calcium clay!!!! There are so many uses for it and I heard about it right here first. I started reading up on it and I can’t believe it took me so long to find it. My whole family uses it too and I told a lot of friends about it. Thank you so much Melody!!!!

  5. I usually have to spray the bandage with a little water to get it off his fur but otherwise montmorillonite clay has worked better than anything else on my dog’s hot spots!

  6. We saw a grand improvement when we switched pet food but our Riley still gets hot spots quite often. I hope this recipe is the answer.

  7. My dog bites at his hot spots until he bleeds everywhere. They’re very frustrating! I just ordered some calcium clay and I hope it works.

  8. Our dog had a lot of hot spots before we started feeding a raw diet to him. He still has one occasionally but nothing like before. Thanks for the tip!

  9. I’ve tried bandages alone but he licks them too so it gets wet and makes everything worse. Maybe the clay poultice will help with that? It’s worth a try.

  10. We’ve used montmorillonite clay for hot spots many times but I haven’t tried making an ointment yet. Great idea!

    • I think he got a little constipated from licking the clay but the spot healed fast and he feels better in general. Great idea!

  11. Hello,
    Thanks for sharing such important information about sores and hot spots. My 2 dogs, Athena and Zeus have both had sores and little red spots on their back. It was itchy and they were scratching it, making it worse. I put a medicine called ‘Tac Tic’ on them and in 2 weeks they were all clean and healthy again. Not many people can afford going to the vet and I believe little stories like this will help more than one animal lover. 🙂

  12. This post is very helpful. Thanks for sharing. My dog gets wounded nearly all the time. I always just think it would heal with time or go visit the veterinarian nearly all the time. Now with your post, I can help my little baby when it gets hurt. In addition natural treatment is very benefit for animals.

    XoXo Graz

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